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Although some users simply keep the default theme and color scheme, the most corporates like to have their custom theme branded with their corporate identities. Outlook Web App comes with optional themes by default.
Outlook Web App has had two web interfaces available since its release with Exchange 2000: one with a complete feature set (known as Premium) and one with reduced functionality (known as Light or sometimes Lite). Outlook Web App also offers read-only access to documents stored in Microsoft SharePoint sites and network UNC shares. Microsoft provides Outlook Web App as part of Exchange Server installation. In other words, Outlook Web App can only be used to access Office 365 for business and other accounts that are hosted on a server that’s running Microsoft Exchange Server. Outlook Web App (formerly known as Outlook Web Access) is a great way to access your Office 365 for business or other Exchange-based email account using a web browser. MS Outlook Web App (OWA) Customization – Custom Branded OWA Themes Hire our best Dedicated developers for any web and mobile development needs.